:: "No one can do everything, But everyone can do something"

                                                  English Language Program Center
       Pramandanijjanukroah opened the English Language Program Center on May 1997, after its
official approval of the Ministry of Education to provide Thai Students a special Bilingual Eduation
System with Thai and English as the medium of instruction. It opened Grade 1-6.

      If follows basically the Thailand Primary School Curriculum with English, Thai Language, Mathe-
matics and Science as the core subjects. Other subjects include Moral Education, Health Education,
Social Studies, Music, Art, Physical Education and Information Technology. All subjects are taught
in English except the Thai Language, Social Studies and Scouting. They are all designed to fulfill the
requirements of the Thai Ministry of Education.

      The children are encouraged to take pride in both the content and the presentation of their
work. They are taught by subject teachers. Our teachers are native speaker of English and are from
countries such as England, Australia, Canada,Philippines and United States.

      Classes have a maximum of 25-30 students, allowing important individual attention. Special
classes are available for students who excellent, or who require extra attention.

      While we believe it is important for children ot learn English well, we also believe that Thai lang
-uage and culture are important. Therefore each class has a qualified experienced Thai adviser. They
instruct the Thai Language and Social Science, providing the students with a strong understanding
of the Thai traditions and cultures.

      Our teachers work as a team and aim to communicate their subject with enthusiasm,expertise
and compassion.